A day trip to Murano, Burano, & Torcello

If you are looking for a perfect day trip from Venice, Italy. Look no further! You can take a day trip to Murano, Burano, & Torcello. There are so many different tours to these three islands. I got mine from Viator and it was a pretty good tour. You can find the boat in front of KFC by the bus terminal in Venice. The only downside of the tour that I did was we have to pay extra of 5 Euro if we want to be dropped of at the same spot. Just a heads up.

The tour started with a visit to Murano. There was a tour guide on the boat. He told stories about Venice and about these islands. I thought it was pretty informative and it was nice to know stories about these islands. Murano is the island where is famous for the glass blowing production. There were a few different factories on the island. Our first stopped was at one of the glass blowing factory.

They did a demonstration of the glass blowing and then we had free time. Some people spent it at the gift shop and some people just roamed around the island. We had about 45 minutes or so. I just went to the restroom at a Gelato shop and had a gelato. I walked around a little bit but there were not many interesting places on this island for me.

The next stop is Torcello. I think this island is a bit boring. There’s a Basilica and that’s about it. The walk is also pretty far from the dock to the Basilica. I spent most of time here just enjoying the view. It’s really pretty out there and it’s quieter than Murano or Burano so it’s more peaceful.

After Torcello, we went to Burano. This is definitely my favorite island. You can find colorful houses on this island. The tour guide told us that they painted these houses different colors so the fishermen will be able to find their houses when they are drunk. I don’t know if that’s true or not but that makes sense for me. I won’t be able to find my house after 2 cocktails :P.

There’s a Cathedral and this island is famous for their lace work. There’s a place where you can see people are making laces. It’s just like the glass blowing factory but this one is for lace. I love this island because there are so many things to do, between taking pictures, doing some window shopping and eating snacks, one hour went by really fast. I want to come back here in the future and maybe stay here for a couple days. I think that will be lovely.

Overall, I enjoyed this day trip and I highly recommend this day trip for all of you who are planning to visit Venice.

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