Bologna – A Love Story

My trip to Bologna, Italy was not like a normal trip. This time I went there not only because I wanted to see Bologna but also because I was meeting this man that I’ve met online. We talked about one month or so and we decided to meet in person.

He was what I desired from a person. He was funny, nice, kind, creative, a go getter, and also turned out that he was an excellent cook. We spent a lot of time together when I was there for one week. I ate so much of delicious food (my pants were so tight after my trip was over). We even went to FICO EATALY WORLD which is like Disneyland for foodies.

Look at the giant Fig 😀
Fried Pork melted in my mouth…
Delicious red wine
Lamb skewers that I am still dreaming of…
My self portrait
Delicious potato bowl with cheese and meat…yesss…
Fries and fried chicken….should i say more…?


We also went city sightseeing. Bologna is a very interesting city. The city used to be full of Medieval towers back in 12th-13th centuries and now they have two towers left. If you are interested to read more about the history of these towers, you can read more about them here .


Bologna also have Porticoes all around the city and they have 666 of them spread out from the center of the city and up to the hill. They are part of the UNESCO Heritage list and it’s totally worth of a trip to drive from the city center and all the way up to the hill. At night, the Porticoes have this really cool look from the light.

Porticoes at night time

Bologna reminded me of Portland in many ways. The weather in autumn is rainy and cooler. The gloominess when it’s raining. The delicious food scene. It made me missed Portland when I was there.

Unfortunately, my love story didn’t survive after the trip. It was just one of those moment when things were so perfect when we were together but when we were apart reality sets in and we were actually not compatible. I also think that I am not ready for any type of long term relationship because of my nomadic lifestyle. I think for now, being a nomad is the only relationship I can have and I think it’s ok because I spent the majority of my life taking care of other people and only in these past couple years, I started taking care of myself and love myself fully.

Bologna, the love story was short lived. We are still friends and I’m thankful that it happened because I was able to felt love and being loved even for a short time.

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