The beautiful Istanbul – Turkey

  I spent one month in Istanbul, Turkey and it was one of the most interesting travel trips that I’ve ever done. Istanbul is divided into European side and Asian side. I’ve been wanting to go to Istanbul since I saw an episode of The Amazing Race. I can’t believe it that I actually traveled and lived there for a month! The plane ride…

The Roman Holiday chapter 2 – The Colosseum & Palatine Hills tour

  I was excited about my Colosseum & Paletine Hills tour that I got from . It was not too expensive and it got a high praised reviews. The weather started out with a nice day & the sun even came out. By the time, I got to The Colosseum, the weather turned into a dark and cloudy day. Right before the tour started, the weather turned into pouring…

180 Days of Living as Digital Nomad

I celebrated 180 days/6 months anniversary of being a digital nomad a few days ago. I left USA in September 2021 and it felt like it was just yesterday. My life was completely changed compared to how my life was before. I am also excited that I only spent in average of $66 per day. I know I can spent less but I also like to experience things and…

10 Tips You Need to Know for Your Trip to Disneyland Paris

I had the opportunity to visit Disneyland Paris when I was in Paris, France this year. I went there in the beginning of October and they decorated the whole park with Halloween decoration. It was one of the thing on my bucket list to visit Disneyland during Halloween month and I was glad that I was able to do it. Here are 10 tips that you need to know for…

Paris on the budget? Hell yeah!

I spent 7 days and 6 nights in Paris this year. If you read my previous post, you know that I got my hotel room for free. I stayed at Holiday Inn Gare De Lyon which is only 5 minutes walk from the Gare De Lyon train station. It was a really convenient location and easy for me to do sightseeing around the city. I saved $1074 that week for…