180 Days of Living as Digital Nomad

I celebrated 180 days/6 months anniversary of being a digital nomad a few days ago. I left USA in September 2021 and it felt like it was just yesterday. My life was completely changed compared to how my life was before. I am also excited that I only spent in average of $66 per day. I know I can spent less but I also like to experience things and…

My grandfather, the first world traveler, I’ve ever known

I received some bad news from back home this morning. My grandpa, Toha Tirta passed away yesterday in the age of 84 years old. Engkong (it’s grandfather in Bahasa Indonesia) is like a parent to me. I grew up in Jakarta, Indonesia. My parents were young when they had me. Engkong & Amay (my grandmother) helped my mom & dad to raise me. I lived in a house…