The beautiful Istanbul – Turkey

  I spent one month in Istanbul, Turkey and it was one of the most interesting travel trips that I’ve ever done. Istanbul is divided into European side and Asian side. I’ve been wanting to go to Istanbul since I saw an episode of The Amazing Race. I can’t believe it that I actually traveled and lived there for a month! The plane ride…

The Roman Holiday

The last city I’ve visited during my Autumn 2021 Italy trip was Rome. I’ve also visited Vatican City but since it’s technically a country, I didn’t count it as part of my Italy trip. I’ve had wanted to visit Rome for a long time. It was on my bucket list of places to visit because it has such a rich…

Bologna – A Love Story

My trip to Bologna, Italy was not like a normal trip. This time I went there not only because I wanted to see Bologna but also because I was meeting this man that I’ve met online. We talked about one month or so and we decided to meet in person. He was what I desired from a person. He was funny, nice, kind, creative, a go getter, and…

180 Days of Living as Digital Nomad

I celebrated 180 days/6 months anniversary of being a digital nomad a few days ago. I left USA in September 2021 and it felt like it was just yesterday. My life was completely changed compared to how my life was before. I am also excited that I only spent in average of $66 per day. I know I can spent less but I also like to experience things and…

All about food that I ate in Barcelona, Spain

As a budget traveler, I try not to eat out for all of my meals. That’s why staying at hostels or airbnb with access to kitchen or at least refrigerator and microwave is a really good option for budget travelers because we can shop at the grocery store for cheaper meals. All of the grocery stores that I’ve went to so far, in Spain, have pre…