The Roman Holiday chapter 2 – The Colosseum & Palatine Hills tour

  I was excited about my Colosseum & Paletine Hills tour that I got from . It was not too expensive and it got a high praised reviews. The weather started out with a nice day & the sun even came out. By the time, I got to The Colosseum, the weather turned into a dark and cloudy day. Right before the tour started, the weather turned into pouring…

The Roman Holiday

The last city I’ve visited during my Autumn 2021 Italy trip was Rome. I’ve also visited Vatican City but since it’s technically a country, I didn’t count it as part of my Italy trip. I’ve had wanted to visit Rome for a long time. It was on my bucket list of places to visit because it has such a rich…

Bologna – A Love Story

My trip to Bologna, Italy was not like a normal trip. This time I went there not only because I wanted to see Bologna but also because I was meeting this man that I’ve met online. We talked about one month or so and we decided to meet in person. He was what I desired from a person. He was funny, nice, kind, creative, a go getter, and…

180 Days of Living as Digital Nomad

I celebrated 180 days/6 months anniversary of being a digital nomad a few days ago. I left USA in September 2021 and it felt like it was just yesterday. My life was completely changed compared to how my life was before. I am also excited that I only spent in average of $66 per day. I know I can spent less but I also like to experience things and…

Food Adventure in Venice, Italy

I ate so much delicious food when I was in Venice, Italy. Some people said food in Venice is nothing special but I actually enjoyed all of my meals in Venice. There are a few food that are unique for Venice. The first one is Tramezzini. The best way to describe Tramezzini is a folded triangle sandwich with yummy delicious fillings. The filling can be as simple as egg and…

The Magical Venice, Italy

There are not enough words to describe how magical it was to be in Venice, Italy. Venice was on one of the cities that I wanted to visit badly since I was in my 20s. There is just something magical about a city surrounded by water and have so much beauty in it. I spent a week in Venice. I stayed at a hostel in Mestre which is a nearby…