Five tips of visiting The Louvre in Paris, France

I think The Louvre is one of my favorite museums in Paris or maybe even in the world. It’s not only because it’s the home of famous masterpieces like The Monalisa but also because I feel the cost to get in is affordable. I paid 17 euros and I was able to see so many things and explored for hours. I didn’t even get to see everything because I felt tired after four hours of exploring inside the museum. I’ve been to other museums and some are smaller than The Louvre and they charge a lot more. So if you found yourself in Paris, please make The Louvre to be one of your must see destinations.

Here are five of Olivia’s tips so you can have more enjoyable experience of visiting The Louvre:

  1. You can buy your tickets online before you head out to The Louvre, but you can also buy your tickets online when you get to the Louvre. If your phone have ability to access the internet, I would suggest to buy the ticket online when you get there because there will be two lines with two different times to access the Louvre. When I got to The Louvre, there were lines for 11:00 am and 11:30 am. I got there about 11:05 am and I could still got in the 11 am line or the 11:30 am line. The line for the 11 am was longer than the 11:30 am line so I bought the ticket for 11:30 am. I got in the short line and was in the museum in about 10 minutes (please note this trip happened in September 2021 during pandemic time).
  2. When you got into the museum, I would suggest to make your way to the famous masterpieces first. I made my way to see The Monalisa first and it took a while to get there. When I got there, there was the “Disneyland type snake line” to see the famous painting. Apparently before pandemic happened they didn’t have this line and it was chaotic. I don’t know why they didn’t think of this line since the beginning. I stood in the line and got to the painting in less than half an hour (this might change as the pandemic is getting better and more visitors are visiting The Louvre).
  3. Please wear your most comfortable shoes for walking, pack bottle of water, and some snacks in your bag. I brought a bottle of water with me but not snacks because I didn’t know I would spent four hours there. I got hungry and had to spent more money than I like for a mediocre Caesar salad at one of the cafes there.
  4. Take your time to explore everything that The Louvre have to offer and also make time for it. I would suggest to go when you don’t have anything plan for the whole day. There are so many amazing masterpieces to see and you really want to indulge in them. You will be in so love with all the paintings, sculptures, and all of their art collections that before you realized, you are there for five hours!
  5. If you are visiting Paris in the beginning of the month and it just happened that you are there on the first Sunday of the month, the admission is free for certain times on that Sunday. Make sure to check their website for more info.

The most important tip that I have is to enjoy every moment of it. Get ready for your mind to be blown away. It’s one of the best museums in the world and I think that’s very accurate.

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