Hello from the other side….


Hello all!

I know I’ve been MIA for a while. So many things happened and time flew by. Before I knew it, the last time I made a post was in May 2022.

Well, let’s recapped of what happened in these past few months:

My sister came to visit for 1.5 weeks and I had so much fun with her.

I got a new job. I am no longer teaching ESL online. Now I have a Monday – Friday job but it’s still an online remote job. That’s one of the main reasons why I haven’t write as much. I thought the job would be pretty easy but actually it takes a lot of brain power. It’s also hard for me to adjust to the Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm schedule. After a couple months, I think I finally got the hang of it.

I got covid. Yes it was not fun, but I was so thankful that I got vaccinated. For that reason, my symptoms were mild and I was healthy again just after a week. I was also managed to work during the whole time I was sick.

I had my birthday and a lot of socializing with friends. I am officially 41 years young lol.

So I know those are not good excuses but yes life happened and I feel bad of not writing as much but now I am back. I am determined to make sometime to write every week. I missed it a lot and I have so much stories to tell all of you.

Thank you for still coming here and checking in. I will write more content soon.




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