I quit my job!

Last week, I gave a notice to my boss that my last day will be on 08/20/21. He took it well & he told me whenever I decide to come back to Portland, I will be able to work in his department. I thought that’s very sweet and honestly it helped me with my anxiety in terms of “What if I wouldn’t like it to live as a nomad and travel full time?” I know that I can always go home but knowing that there’s a possibility for me to get my old job back or a different position, it’s pretty nice.

Life has been challenging lately. It’s so quiet here without Gizzy the cat. I miss him everyday. I’ve been doing nothing but working, sorting through my stuff, post my stuff online for sale, throw away stuff that I don’t need, and feeling anxious that I won’t be able to get rid of everything in time before 8/27/21.

I have this tall 6′ cabinet and I think it will be pretty hard to get rid of it. I bought it in November because I needed more storage space. It’s tall but not very heavy. I listed it on facebook marketplace, nextdoor, and offer up yesterday but no one contact me yet. I have a feeling, I will need to give this cabinet for free just so I can get rid of it.

I started packing my carry on suitcase yesterday. I am confident that I will be able to fit everything that I need in that suitcase. I need to start working out by carrying it around my studio apartment so I will get use to carrying this heavy luggage. I hope they won’t weight my carryon :).

My birthday is coming up on Monday 8/9. I will be 40 years old. YUCK. I know a lot of people are saying 40 is the new 20 but I can’t help to feel that I am closer to being 60. 20 more years and that’s not a very long time. That’s one of the reasons why I want to start traveling full time. Life is so short & I don’t want to wait anymore. My favorite quote that I’ve heard lately is, money will always come back, but time won’t. I can’t wait to start living

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