It’s almost time to take off!

Delicious Birthday pie to celebrate my 40th

It has been a busy month. I turned 40 years old! I can’t believe that I am starting a new decade and now part of the cool 40s gang.

I’ve sold almost all of my stuff and donated some of them as well. It took weeks to do that. It’s so tedious task of getting rid of things when you are trying to travel the world and not to be tied down to anything back at home. I’ve also moved out of apartment yesterday! I moved out two days earlier than the date because I just want to move on.

It was so empowering to walked out of apartment with a carry on, a backpack and my medical bag (for my bipap machine). The weight of my carry on is 38 lbs & my backpack is 22 lbs. I will get some workout traveling with them. My goal is to be STRONK instead of a CHONK lol.

Now, I am staying at my sister’s place. I have two younger sisters. I am staying with one until Friday night then will stay with the other one + my brother in law until Tuesday night. I will fly out from Portland to San Francisco on September 1st. I am anxious because I haven’t flown anywhere for couple years. I hope there will be no irritational passenger on my flight. I will spend one night in San Francisco because my flight to Barcelona is not going to be until 8 pm on September 2nd. I can’t believe it’s almost here!!! I remember when it was only 60 days away and now it’s only a week away.

Also looking back to see how different it is my life a year ago and my life now is like night & day. Last year, I was broken hearted because my marriage ended. There were some things that caused our marriage fell apart and one of them was my mental health. I struggled with depression & anxiety. I didn’t start therapy until early last year but I guess it was too late because by March, we fell apart. It was a hard place to be when you felt like you were the cause of why it’s ended. Especially your mental health was the cause of it. I moved out and got my own studio apartment. I’ve been single since last April and I’ve been in relationship with the love of travel.

I’ve been preparing for this journey for a while. We sold our house, I paid off all of my debt with my share. I have some money left in my savings, but not much. I signed up for credit cards and paid everything with it so I could get miles from them. I paid them off right away and after months doing that, I accumulated enough miles for my flight to Barcelona and more miles for future travels as well.

I also signed up for TEFL course and got a certification from it. I’ve been teaching English as Second Language as an additional work on top of my day job for 6 months. I am preparing myself as best as I can.

I am so ready to take off and see the world! Life is so short! Let’s enjoy this ride!

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