It’s getting real!

I gave my 30 days notice to my apartment leasing office to end my lease on August 27,2021. I told them that I am going to leave the country without much details because they don’t need to know where I am going but in reality, I am leaving the country to pursue a life of full time travel.

I’ve been wanting to be a nomad since I was in my 20s, but I was either broke, in a relationship, or didn’t have the guts to do it. Now that I am going to be 40 years old this year, divorced, with no debts, I decided that I want to go for it! I’ve been planning for it since May of this year and I am going to leave on September 1st, 2021. First stop is SPAIN! I’ve been dying to go to Spain for a long time.

I am in the process of selling and giving away my things. My cat (well he is both of my ex husband & mine) will live with my ex starting this Saturday. I am really sad about this reality. Gizzy is such a great cat. He is so kind, sweet, loving, cuddly, and truly the best cat I’ve ever had. He helped me through separation, divorce, and isolation from pandemic. I will miss him terribly.

At the same time, I’m so excited for my new adventure. I am going to give my work, my notice this Thursday. I am planning to stop working on August 20th, 2021 so I will have a week to finalize everything. I can’t believe everything is coming up so soon. It’s getting sooooooooo real!

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