Paris on the budget? Hell yeah!

I spent 7 days and 6 nights in Paris this year. If you read my previous post, you know that I got my hotel room for free. I stayed at Holiday Inn Gare De Lyon which is only 5 minutes walk from the Gare De Lyon train station. It was a really convenient location and easy for me to do sightseeing around the city. I saved $1074 that week for having my accommodation paid for by IHG Chase credit card rewards points. I recommend for everyone to get any type of credit cards that will give you reward points that you can use for flights or hotels. It will help so much to cover your accommodation or flight expenses when you are traveling.

My hotel room at Holiday Inn Gare De Lyon.
View from my hotel room

If you are planning to go to Paris and don’t have any rewards points to use for your accommodation, don’t worry. There are so many affordable hostels that you can stay at or airbnb private rooms. I highly recommend for you to save as much as possible for your accommodation because Paris is a pretty expensive city and if you want to do all sightseeing and go to all of the museums you will need to save as much money as possible. Unless you don’t have any budget to worry about then please go wild with your accommodation :).

I love visiting museums when I am traveling but some of museums are charging a lot for entrance fees. I would recommend if you are flexible with your travel dates, try to be in Paris in the beginning of the month because for the first Sunday of the month, some of the museums have free entrance fees and that can save you some $$$.


The Louvre
Hallway of the Louvre


Another good way to see the city is to use the Hop on Hop off bus tour. The ticket was about 30 euros and it lasted 24 hours. However, these buses stopped operating at 5 pm. So if you got on the bus at 2pm, your ticket will expire the next day at 2pm. The reason why I recommend to do this tour is because you can hop on and hop off at any stops along the route. You can also just stay on the bus the whole time. I recommend to sit on the top. It’s also great to be up there because you can take many selfies and pictures along the way from the bus. Since the city is a big city, this is a good way to save time and energy as well. You will get to see pretty much almost everything such as The Louvre pyramid & lawn, The Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, Arc De Triomphe, and more.

Picture of me with The Eiffel Tower from hop on & hop off bus
Picture of me with the Louvre pyramid in the background

Paris is also the city with delicious food everywhere and the cost sometimes is pretty expensive for one sit down meal. However, you can find some restaurants that are not too expensive in Paris as well. Most of these restaurants are not located on the major streets or nearby tourist attractions. I love walking around the side streets and stumbled upon great brasserie or cafes with prices that are friendlier for my pocket. I will also recommend to check out non French restaurants such as Kebab places, Chinese restaurants, and Japanese restaurants (some of them have all you can eat options).

As for transportation, I will recommend to use Paris metro & bus system. You can get the metro ticket at the metro stations. The cost per ticket is 1.75 euro and it’s easy to get around with using the metro and buses in Paris. Much cheaper than taking cabs. If you have to use car services, I recommend to download the Free Now app. It’s like Uber/Lyft in USA but these are all taxis. The cost is lower than hailing taxis on the street and you can pay through the app so even if you don’t have cash, it won’t be a problem.

I spent $91.87 per day while I was in Paris which was lower compared to what average people spent. According to research, average people spent $307.15 per day while traveling in Paris which I think the majority part of that budget is accommodation. That’s why I encourage you all to have a way to save on accommodation to help with your budget.

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