The beautiful Istanbul – Turkey

  I spent one month in Istanbul, Turkey and it was one of the most interesting travel trips that I’ve ever done. Istanbul is divided into European side and Asian side. I’ve been wanting to go to Istanbul since I saw an episode of The Amazing Race. I can’t believe it that I actually traveled and lived there for a month! The plane ride…

Madrid, Spain – The city that I fell in love with

Barcelona, Spain was on my list of cities to visit in the world, for a long time. I went to Barcelona and I liked it there. However, Madrid, was the one that captured my heart. It took me by surprise that I was so comfortable and felt like I found a new home in Madrid. Public transportation was so easy and accessible in Madrid. I think they have the best…

Sant Jordi Rock Palace Hostel – Barcelona, Spain

I feel that a lot of people have incorrect stigma about staying at hostels. Yes, some hostels can be dirty and not the best place to stay at. However, many hostels are clean, comfortable, and fun to stay at for a few nights or even eight nights (like what I did in Barcelona). I booked Sant Jordi Rock Palace Hostel in Barcelona based on reviews that I’ve read…