The beautiful Istanbul – Turkey

  I spent one month in Istanbul, Turkey and it was one of the most interesting travel trips that I’ve ever done. Istanbul is divided into European side and Asian side. I’ve been wanting to go to Istanbul since I saw an episode of The Amazing Race. I can’t believe it that I actually traveled and lived there for a month! The plane ride…

The Magical Venice, Italy

There are not enough words to describe how magical it was to be in Venice, Italy. Venice was on one of the cities that I wanted to visit badly since I was in my 20s. There is just something magical about a city surrounded by water and have so much beauty in it. I spent a week in Venice. I stayed at a hostel in Mestre which is a nearby…

90 Days on The Road Update

I made it to the day 90 of my nomadic travel journey. It has been a humbling experience to live without a “permanent home”. I think the concept of not having a permanent home is a scary thought for a lot of people. Having a permanent home is never a priority for me, maybe because of my childhood upbringing. Growing up, I lived with my big family for…

Milan, Italy – The city where my love affair begun

I am having a love affair with Italy. I fell in love with this country since I’ve arrived in Milan, Italy. So many tourists or travelers usually skipped Milan for whatever reasons. I agreed that it doesn’t have much things to see like Venice or Florence but Milan is such a beautiful city. One thing that irritated me about Milan, is the airport. Their airport is…

Five tips of visiting The Louvre in Paris, France

I think The Louvre is one of my favorite museums in Paris or maybe even in the world. It’s not only because it’s the home of famous masterpieces like The Monalisa but also because I feel the cost to get in is affordable. I paid 17 euros and I was able to see so many things and explored for hours. I didn’t even get…

Paris on the budget? Hell yeah!

I spent 7 days and 6 nights in Paris this year. If you read my previous post, you know that I got my hotel room for free. I stayed at Holiday Inn Gare De Lyon which is only 5 minutes walk from the Gare De Lyon train station. It was a really convenient location and easy for me to do sightseeing around the city. I saved $1074 that week for…