Happy New Year! 2022 Here We Come!

I can’t believe that 2022 is almost here. This year has gone by pretty fast. I started 2021 with a lot of uncertainty. I was still separated with my ex husband. We didn’t file our divorce yet. We were together for ten years and there were a lot of good in that marriage and also the not so good things in that marriage. We tried to…

My grandfather, the first world traveler, I’ve ever known

I received some bad news from back home this morning. My grandpa, Toha Tirta passed away yesterday in the age of 84 years old. Engkong (it’s grandfather in Bahasa Indonesia) is like a parent to me. I grew up in Jakarta, Indonesia. My parents were young when they had me. Engkong & Amay (my grandmother) helped my mom & dad to raise me. I lived in a house…