180 Days of Living as Digital Nomad

I celebrated 180 days/6 months anniversary of being a digital nomad a few days ago. I left USA in September 2021 and it felt like it was just yesterday. My life was completely changed compared to how my life was before. I am also excited that I only spent in average of $66 per day. I know I can spent less but I also like to experience things and…

10 Tips You Need to Know for Your Trip to Disneyland Paris

I had the opportunity to visit Disneyland Paris when I was in Paris, France this year. I went there in the beginning of October and they decorated the whole park with Halloween decoration. It was one of the thing on my bucket list to visit Disneyland during Halloween month and I was glad that I was able to do it. Here are 10 tips that you need to know for…

Five tips of visiting The Louvre in Paris, France

I think The Louvre is one of my favorite museums in Paris or maybe even in the world. It’s not only because it’s the home of famous masterpieces like The Monalisa but also because I feel the cost to get in is affordable. I paid 17 euros and I was able to see so many things and explored for hours. I didn’t even get…

Happy One Month Anniversary to me!

It’s official!!! I’ve been a nomad for one month! October 1st marked the first month I’ve been on the road, traveling as a nomad. I can’t believe I made it so far and also it feels like one year! Hahahhaa. I am pretty proud that for the first month on the road, my expenses was $1534.56. That’s average of…