The Magical Venice, Italy

There are not enough words to describe how magical it was to be in Venice, Italy. Venice was on one of the cities that I wanted to visit badly since I was in my 20s. There is just something magical about a city surrounded by water and have so much beauty in it. I spent a week in Venice. I stayed at a hostel in Mestre which is a nearby…

90 Days on The Road Update

I made it to the day 90 of my nomadic travel journey. It has been a humbling experience to live without a “permanent home”. I think the concept of not having a permanent home is a scary thought for a lot of people. Having a permanent home is never a priority for me, maybe because of my childhood upbringing. Growing up, I lived with my big family for…

Milan, Italy – The city where my love affair begun

I am having a love affair with Italy. I fell in love with this country since I’ve arrived in Milan, Italy. So many tourists or travelers usually skipped Milan for whatever reasons. I agreed that it doesn’t have much things to see like Venice or Florence but Milan is such a beautiful city. One thing that irritated me about Milan, is the airport. Their airport is…