The Roman Holiday chapter 2 – The Colosseum & Palatine Hills tour

  I was excited about my Colosseum & Paletine Hills tour that I got from . It was not too expensive and it got a high praised reviews. The weather started out with a nice day & the sun even came out. By the time, I got to The Colosseum, the weather turned into a dark and cloudy day. Right before the tour started, the weather turned into pouring…

The Roman Holiday

The last city I’ve visited during my Autumn 2021 Italy trip was Rome. I’ve also visited Vatican City but since it’s technically a country, I didn’t count it as part of my Italy trip. I’ve had wanted to visit Rome for a long time. It was on my bucket list of places to visit because it has such a rich…

10 weeks on the road update!

I can’t believe that I left USA 10 weeks ago and I’ve been living nomadically abroad. I visited these following cities so far in the past two months while trying to spend within my budget which is a pretty low budget :). Barcelona Valencia Murcia Madrid Paris Milan Venice Florence Bologna and currently in Rome 10 cities in two months are quite a bit of movement even…