The Roman Holiday chapter 2 – The Colosseum & Palatine Hills tour


I was excited about my Colosseum & Paletine Hills tour that I got from . It was not too expensive and it got a high praised reviews. The weather started out with a nice day & the sun even came out. By the time, I got to The Colosseum, the weather turned into a dark and cloudy day. Right before the tour started, the weather turned into pouring rain weather. The tour guide gave me a plastic Poncho which I was very thankful for because it was raining the whole time we did the tour which was about 4 hours. 4 hours in the hard pouring rain weather was not fun. I totally do not recommend visit to Rome in mid November because of this unpredictable weather.

The tour was pretty good. We had an English tour guide and he explained things pretty well. It was pretty difficult to be in a good spirit because I was soaked including my shoes because I didn’t have waterproof shoes. The Colosseum was incredible. Just being there and imagined how Rome was back in the day, was such a privilege.

Then after the Colosseum, we went to the Palatine Hills & Roman Forum. Both places have so much history and all the ruins that were left there told all the stories that we needed to see and hear. I highly recommend taking the tour for all of these places and hopefully when you are taking your tours, it won’t rain like how it was on mine.


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